5 days ago
American Women Who Made History
In celebration of Women's History Month, this episode of Big Blend Radio's "Women Making History" Podcast shines the spotlight on six noteworthy American Women who made a positive impact across the country and around the world. Featured guests are travel writers Barbara Redding, Jo Clark, Kathleen Walls, and Linda Ballou.
- TEXAS WOMEN - Barbara Redding discusses Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson, First Lady of the US (1963-1969); Barbara Charline Jordan who the first African American elected to the Texas Senate after Reconstruction; and Anne Richards who served as the 45th governor of Texas (1991-1995). Learn more about Barbara at https://barbararedding.com/
- IVEY COURTNEY STONE - Jo Clark shares the story of how during WWII Ivey volunteered for the WAVES, served as a communications watch officer in the Navy Department, and became one of 10,000 “Code Girls” -- Codebreakers -- for the US Navy. Keep up with Jo at https://haveglasswilltravel.com/ and https://recipestravelculture.com/
- SUSAN B. ANTHONY - Kathleen Walls shares how this prominent women's rights advocate and leader of the women's suffrage movement helped pave the way for the 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. She was also involved in the anti-slavery movement, and temperance movement. Keep up with Kathleen at https://americanroads.net/ and https://katywalls.com/
- KRISTINE "KRIS" TOMPKINS - Linda Ballou talks about this former CEO of Patagonia's conservation work as president and co-founder of Tompkins Conservation known for preserving, expanding, and creating national parks in Chile. (Photo featured is by James Q Martin, courtesy of McCarthyatTC, CC BY-SA 4.0, on Wikipedia.) More about Tompkins Conservation: https://www.tompkinsconservation.org/
Keep up with Linda at https://lostangeladventures.com/